Thursday, February 24, 2011

New Take On The Controversial Turban.

Hello there. Well you see, I still haven't seen the second SATC. I know, cue shock horror - whatever. I heard all the hullabaloo and frankly, didn't get around to it couldn't be bothered. I love the seasons, but the movies just commercialised it all too much.

Arguably one of the most influential trends to be re-awakened by those fancy ladies, however, did get a reaction on my behalf. Again, not a good one. Turbans? Are you serious? Erk... I think they look ridiculous. Nope, just can't take them seriously - or the wearer! But wait, darling Elsie over at A Beautiful Mess has the answer! An absolutely wearable, non-ridiculous take on the idea, that I love. Take a look:

And all you do is take your silk scarf and knot it halfway, wrap him around your head, fasten, and voila! I won't be trying to stifle a giggle behind your back!

Kidding - much love. So have a GO and feel free to link back in a comment so I can check you out!

I'm wearing a silk pink and green 'California' scarf from Sportsgirl and lace crop, vintage.


Billie said...

Great idea!
I myself could never wear a turban... I think they look ridiculous
Not all fashion trend should be followed!!!

you look great

B said...

Thanks Billie! Wish you'da left me contact details so I could thank you personally, instead of you having to check back here :) Appreciated I'm sure. xx