Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mocassin Love (it's soft and buttery leathery)

Below are pictured some soft, blue mocassins, and I'm seriously contemplating ordering from these people because I feel like I've finally stumbled upon the perfect pair. Plain Jane Mocassins from Darlingtonia Mocassin Co.

I've been wearing slippers a lot lately - they look so cute with shorts and a tee, and with tights and all kind of outfits. I was also inspired by some of Elizabeth's outfit posts at Delightfully Tacky - she wore mocassins quite a lot on her trip.

I think to wear these would make you feel adventurous and wild... I'd feel like a native indian prowling around the streets in my leather mocassins. And, oh my, speaking of bags and indians - take a look at the leather satchel I scored while op-ping today (I think it was about 3 dollars):

It is a beautiful dark tan colour with this incredible paisley print etched into the leather - so right for a day satchel (super-style festival toting). I also got an awesome denim, shaggy shoulder satchel, also for three dollars; photos of which I'm sure I shall post later.

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