Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Guess Why I Died.

Maybe it was the crochet... or the loose bikinis... the wild beach hair or the winged eyes (so Brigitte Bardot circa the late 1960's). Either way, the styling for the Guess Spring 2011 collection is so sexy and relaxed that I just want to morph into a tiny version of me so I can live inside their lookbook. My biggest issue with this collection was that it was super hard to choose which images to feature! Yum.

Bikini Summer Guess Spring 2011

Bikini Summer Guess Spring 2011

Bikini Summer Guess Spring 2011

Bikini Summer Guess Spring 2011

I want this bikini (I've got the boobs, but the body would be nice too, wink!)

Bikini Summer Guess Spring 2011

Bikini Summer Guess Spring 2011 Brunette

Bikini Summer Guess Spring 2011

See the entire collection here. So pretty! I Guess I'm reformed (wow).

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